Terms & Conditions

Term & conditions


Release of Liability and Waiver, Assumption of Risk and Indemnification

I acknowledge that I wish to participate in online fitness program/activity and attest that I have read, fully understand, and agree with the following representations and conditions:

I am aware of the risks of participating in the program/activities, and assume all risks, foreseeable and unforeseeable, in any way connected with my participation herein. I am aware that MDFiit LLC is not responsible for any injury, health problem, stolen, or damaged valuables or property.

I agree not to institute any claims or legal action against MDFiit LLC or his owner, Milton R.. Miranda Rosa for any claim released by this Agreement..

I agree to protect, defend, and indemnify MDFiit LLC, and any of its employees or owners in regards to any claim or expenses (including attorneys’ fees, claims by a third party or otherwise, that might be made on my behalf) in any way connected with a claim related to my participation in the online fitness program/activities. I have read and fully understand, agree to, and accept voluntarily all provisions of this Release of Liability and Waiver, Assumption of Risk, and Indemnification.

This release will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Texas and venue for all challenges of this waiver shall be restricted to the federal or state courts located within Bexar County.

I am signing this Agreement freely, voluntarily, and competently and I am at least eighteen (18) years of age.